Claremore Adult Soccer
2640 N. Sioux St
Claremore OK 74017

2025 Summer League
for more information contact Debra at (918) 549-0775
Season planned to "Kick-Off" June 6, 2023

Summer Adult League Schedules:          Over30 League      Open League

Who Men and Women players from 16 to 99. (youth players may participate with approval and signed Parental Consent Form. Two 15 year old (on date of registration) players per open team)
All players must have a Photo ID. . .(Drivers License, College ID, Photo ID card issued by the Tag Agency)
What Coed League - Over30 (Tuesday 7:00pm & 8:30pm) Open (Thursday 7:00pm & 8:30pm)
When Evenings (one scheduled league game a week)
June - August Summer 2023.
Where Claremore Soccer Complex
How COED 7v7 play on a U10 field.
  (Coed) No more than 3 male Field Players on the pitch at a TIME (not counting the Keeper).
  Goal Keeper may be Male or Female. (Keeper does not count as field player)
  Women's goals worth 2 points, Men's worth 1 point.

PICKUP play on field determined by number of players.
  Teams are chosen at time of play. Game duration 1 hour plus break time as needed.
  There will be no officials. Play intended for fun and exercise.

How Much COED
$65.00 Registering player
$45.00 Insured registering player

$35.00 Registering player (discount to $20 if playing in other League)
Leagues Coed Over30 League: Registered players attaining, at least, the age of 30 on or before December 31, 2025.
(Each Over 30 Team is allowed One Male and One Female player at least 28 years of age on the date of Registration.)
Coed Open League: Any registered player.

Coed Open Pickup: Any registered player.

(click here for a complete Teaming and League outline information.)